Gas Cylinders Certification

What Do We Do?

As accredited service providers, National Hydro Cylinder Testing Services technicians are here to perform your Gas Cylinder Testing and Certification in Adelaide.

We operate and manage an approved gas cylinder test station, number 720.
We are focusing and specialising in all Gas Cylinder Tests and Refills aspects.

With more than 35 years of experience, we can help you with your Gas Cylinders.

When you work with us, you can be assured you will receive high-quality service and care from our friendly technicians, who assist you with all your needs to help you with your Current Gas Cylinder Testing and Certification Requirements in Adelaide.

Scuba Cylinders

Gas Cylinder Certification Requirements

Gas cylinder testing and certification requirements as per AS2030 are vital for every gas cylinder entering into service within the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Legislation that enforces gas cylinders is called the Gas Cylinder Test Station Scheme.

The Scheme was introduced to help manage and control gas cylinder safety and usage, in assisting to help prevent accidents and deaths related to high-pressure gas cylinder usage.

The Scheme is legislated and a requirement to comply within the Commonwealth of Australia for all States and territories, and covers usage for gas cylinders for all Private, Commercial, and Government Departments.

Gas Testing Requirements

Most gas cylinders must undergo some sort of testing, either being Hydrostatic or Non-destructive at some periodic cycle within their shelf life.

But what is more importantly, what the Australian Standard 2030.1 lists and calls, Prior The First Fill.

This is a list of the requirements when a gas cylinder is imported/manufactured and is about to enter into service within Australia.

Section 6.1 Initial test station inspection and markings.

A test station shall inspect each cylinder before filling it for the first time in Australia by AS2337.1 and other applicable parts of AS2337.

The test station shall be certified for the inspection and testing of cylinders by the requirements of AS2337.1 and additionally to those Parts of AS2337 that are relevant to the type of cylinder being tested.

The certifying body shall be independent of the test station. It shall be accredited by JAS-ANZ or an equivalent body to grant certificates of conformity to test stations according to the relevant Parts of AS2337.

What does this mean?   

When you import a cylinder into the Commonwealth of Australia, to comply with the Scheme, the following needs to be undertaken before you place the gas traffic into the cylinder for the first time.

A: Registration – Is the cylinder approved to be used within Australia, is the cylinder registered for use within the Gas Cylinder Test Scheme?

B: If the cylinder is not registered, it must be registered and bear the Gas Cylinder Registration Number on the Cylinder.
Why? This is required for traceability; if someone is injured or killed due to the use of the cylinder, it’s vitally important to be able to trace who imported the cylinder, thus finding who the manufacturer is in case of a manufacturing fault.

C: Test Markings – Every gas cylinder must hold and bear an approved test station mark before filling.

Example of a test station mark  Test Station mark for gas cylinder testing.

The gas cylinder must be inspected & tested; then the test station mark can be applied to the gas cylinder, With the month and year stamped adjacent to when the gas cylinder was tested.

For all your Gas Cylinder Testing & Refills in Adelaide.
Call us today on 1300 883 473 or
email us

Industry Requirements

There are various types of industries with a footprint that steps on a global platform, two such industries are Aviation and Marine.


“CASA” Civil Aviation Safety Authority governs the aviation industry within Australia for Private, Charter & Commercial Airlines.

“DASA” Defence Aviation Safety Authority Governs the aviation defence sector.

These departments work on FPAA regulations and Air Bulletins and advisory Circulars. In all gas cylinder cases, documents discuss FPAA regulations and list and point back to AS2030.

An example is the CASA Advisory Circular. The CAO, CASR & AC All point to AS2337 & AS20230 for testing.


In Australia,  The Marine industry is governed by two safety bodies.

“AMSA” For vessels sailing in Australian waters.
AMSA works to Relevant Australian Standards.

“SOLAS” for vessels sailing international waters.
Solas uses the FSS Code for all ship’s safety & maintenance operational requirements.

Our Services

The Company offers various services for Gas Cylinder Testing within Australia.

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