FireM – Advanced Fire Monitoring Systems


Fire System Services works as a channel partner with FireM.

We can supply and install FireM an Advanced Fire Monitoring Systems for multiple types of fire and smoke detection systems ranging from conventional to addressable fire alarms systems.

FireM Advanced Fire Monitoring Systems

FireM is an IoT technology solution that interfaces to any fire Panel and can be installed to any new or existing building. All data from the panel is captured by the FireM solution and stored in a cloud based platform where it is accessed on a user dashboard, enabling real-time fire safety monitoring of the building.

FireM’s advanced analytics can reduce maintenance costs by improving reporting and streamlining contractor testing. Where FireM is installed, building occupants can download the FireM app and connect to the FireM interface.

Any alarm triggers a notification to the user’s mobile phone, informing them of the alarm’s source location. It also provides users with information to guide their decision-making around potential building evacuations, reducing the risk that occupants will ignore the audible alarm

FireM is one cloud-based Software solution for all your facilities;
  • Single software platform across your company
  • Multiple sites accessible in one environment
  • Easy to access and consistent data format for all sites
  • One environment for company training driving a higher ROI
FireM is a simple digital modernisation approach for Fire Panels;
  • Simple to install,
  • Easy to configure, and
  • A breeze to maintain going forward.
FireM provides remote connectivity to your Fire Panel data, bringing you in-tune with your fire system;
  • Real time push-notifications
  • Event location displayed on block plans
  • Maintenance insights
  • Event location displayed on block plans
  • Reducing downtime and unplanned costs
  • System Health status
  • Preventing insurance liabilities
Fire Alarm Systems Brands

Fire System Services has a good working relationship with various Fire Systems Manufactures.

FireM can support multiple types and brands of fire alarm and detection systems.

Fire Panel Audio Visual Indicator
PFEI Fire Extinguisher Monitoring System

Couple your FireM system with PFEI Fire Extinguisher Monitoring Systems for multiple types of fire extinguisher for advanced early warning monitoring.

Experience the latest in fire safety technology with our cutting-edge wireless and automated fire extinguisher monitoring and alarm system.

This advanced system enables remote monitoring of critical parameters such as vessel pressure, physical movement, and pin-pull tampering, ensuring timely notifications and alerts to potential hazards.

Minimize and validate the frequency of on-site manual maintenance, saving ongoing costs, interruptions, and time. Trust this innovative solution to provide peace of mind and the highest level of fire protection for your facility.

Fire Monitor

FireM is an IoT Technology enabled engineer-led end-to-end solution that identifies and maps the location of events within a building and interfaces to any fire, security or building management system.

FireM is installed into, or adjacent to, your building’s Fire Panel by licenced technicians.

The FireM interface module utilises an on-board 4gLte gateway, however it can also include full redundant path transmission through multiple network carriers or dedicated ethernet routing.

The FireM connection is one way and does not communicate back to fire panels (complying with global fire protection standards).

All fire panel ‘events’ are stored in a common platform on a web application server, where you can easily access the information you require.

Facility Managers Dashboard

Through FireM’s real-time system-status dashboards, facility managers can use modern IoT technology to monitor their fire safety assets, reduce risk and better protect their properties.

This allows independent verification of costs, immediate actions to be taken to remediate non-compliance and mitigates executive risk through the use of measurable fire safety measures.

FireM technology also:

  • Improves testing and maintenance reporting, removing the need for imprecise manual (and often written) reporting;
  • Provides accountability around fire and life safety compliance costs for facility managers and building owners;
  • Indicates comprehensive, independently verifiable mitigation of risk to occupants, asset managers, building owners and their insurers; and
  • Enhances a property’s market appeal, value and yield of assets.

FireM’s easy web-based interface platform allows building administrators to add or remove users and choose the information each user receives.

The simple administrative process of uploading image files ensure mapping updates can be easily made.

FireM Mobile App

FireM is subscription based and includes an easy-to- use mobile application, suitable for both Android and Apple IOS.

FireM is a fire panel in the palm of your hand. All FIP notification are displayed on a mobile device in real-time as they occur at the FIP.

An easy to operate mapping platform is included within the subscription, replacing the need for expensive and complex mapping systems.

The platform allows users to visualise data to reduce on-site response time that can have a direct impact on:

  • Preventing unnecessary and often costly building evacuations
  • Reducing corporate/commercial risk
  • Increasing maintenance efficiency
  • Saving lives
Cloud Based Web Portal

Through FireM’s real-time dashboards and web console, users take advantage of modern IoT technology to monitor their fire safety assets and better protect their properties.

Recurring events are autonomously identified and notified. These enhanced features allow data-driven decision-making, independent cost verification, quick remedial action to be taken, and executive risk mitigation.


  • Improves testing and maintenance reporting, replacing the need for imprecise, manual and often written reporting.
  • Provides accountability around fire and life safety compliance sots for facility managers and building owners.
  • Indicates comprehensive, independently verifiable mitigation of risk to occupants, asset managers, building owners and their insurers.
  • Reduced labour for inspections with the ability to eliminate the need for a technician at the panel.

Reduce Executive Risk

Reduce Executive Risk by the installation of a system that provides greater security around fire safety.

Benefiting Factures

There are multiple benefit facture that can be derived from installing a FireM system into a new or existing building fire alarm system.

Allowing real time data reporting via the FireM App  to a building owner / property manager / service provider.

Enabling the user to see latched fire alarms, detection faults, panel faults, system testing completion dates.

In addition documents such as Fire Alarm Block plans can be stored and viewed in FireM on real time format, allowing time saving facture when assessing to repair faulty fire alarms.

  •  Reduce Executive Risk
  • Improved Accuracy
  • Reduce False Alarms
  • Reduce System Failures
  • Reduce Occupant Disruption
  • Reduce Uncertainty
  • Reduce Community Risk
  • Reduce Detection Time
  • Reduce Complacency
  • Reduce Pre-movement Time
  • Reduce Injury & Death
  • Reduce costs

FireM enables Centralised Compliance Record Keeping, and improved testing and maintenance regimes through the automation of safety data, removing imprecise and manual (often written) reporting.

Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Public Facilities

FireM provides significant benefits for on-site first responders in hospitals, nursing homes and public facilities. Environments such as health facilities are ‘noise sensitive’ in that silent alarms are sometimes required to avoid creating panic or undue discomfort to occupants.Monitoring staff can use FireM to quickly identify the alarm’s source and verify the threat, improving response time.This system reduces the need to completely rely on:

  • Warden intercom
  • Pagers
  • Radios

FireM makes a number of traditional notification systems within a building redundant.

Apartment Buildings

The risk to human life is significant should a fire take hold in an apartment building.

Regulations may ensure fire safety precautions are integrated into a building’s design, but evacuation procedures for these types of buildings are unregulated – meaning the Facility Manager of one building may have different procedures to another.

Meanwhile, false alarms can provide another complication, particularly if they are regular.

Implementing FireM as part of an emergency response plan means building occupants can be informed of a fire’s severity.

Building managers

Fire M assists building owners and managers with off-site monitoring and reduces the investigative time required during a fire alarm.

The application can be configured to discriminate between various fire panel notification conditions, including:

  • Alarms
  • Pre-alarms
  • Faults
  • Isolates

A record of events is captured locally and off site to allow easy identification of reoccurring or troublesome alarm conditions.



Fire System Services works as a channel partner with FireM.

We can supply and install FireM an Advanced Fire Monitoring Systems for multiple types of fire and smoke detection systems ranging from conventional to addressable fire alarms systems.

FireM Advanced Fire Monitoring Systems

FireM is an IoT technology solution that interfaces to any fire Panel and can be installed to any new or existing building. All data from the panel is captured by the FireM solution and stored in a cloud based platform where it is accessed on a user dashboard, enabling real-time fire safety monitoring of the building.

FireM’s advanced analytics can reduce maintenance costs by improving reporting and streamlining contractor testing. Where FireM is installed, building occupants can download the FireM app and connect to the FireM interface.

Any alarm triggers a notification to the user’s mobile phone, informing them of the alarm’s source location. It also provides users with information to guide their decision-making around potential building evacuations, reducing the risk that occupants will ignore the audible alarm

FireM is one cloud-based Software solution for all your facilities;
  • Single software platform across your company
  • Multiple sites accessible in one environment
  • Easy to access and consistent data format for all sites
  • One environment for company training driving a higher ROI
FireM is a simple digital modernisation approach for Fire Panels;
  • Simple to install,
  • Easy to configure, and
  • A breeze to maintain going forward.
FireM provides remote connectivity to your Fire Panel data, bringing you in-tune with your fire system;
  • Real time push-notifications
  • Event location displayed on block plans
  • Maintenance insights
  • Event location displayed on block plans
  • Reducing downtime and unplanned costs
  • System Health status
  • Preventing insurance liabilities
Fire Alarm Systems Brands

Fire System Services has a good working relationship with various Fire Systems Manufactures.

FireM can support multiple types and brands of fire alarm and detection systems.

Fire Panel Audio Visual Indicator
PFEI Fire Extinguisher Monitoring System

Couple your FireM system with PFEI Fire Extinguisher Monitoring Systems for multiple types of fire extinguisher for advanced early warning monitoring.

Experience the latest in fire safety technology with our cutting-edge wireless and automated fire extinguisher monitoring and alarm system.

This advanced system enables remote monitoring of critical parameters such as vessel pressure, physical movement, and pin-pull tampering, ensuring timely notifications and alerts to potential hazards.

Minimize and validate the frequency of on-site manual maintenance, saving ongoing costs, interruptions, and time. Trust this innovative solution to provide peace of mind and the highest level of fire protection for your facility.

How FireM Works

Fire Monitor

FireM is an IoT Technology enabled engineer-led end-to-end solution that identifies and maps the location of events within a building and interfaces to any fire, security or building management system.

FireM is installed into, or adjacent to, your building’s Fire Panel by licenced technicians.

The FireM interface module utilises an on-board 4gLte gateway, however it can also include full redundant path transmission through multiple network carriers or dedicated ethernet routing.

The FireM connection is one way and does not communicate back to fire panels (complying with global fire protection standards).

All fire panel ‘events’ are stored in a common platform on a web application server, where you can easily access the information you require.

Facility Managers Dashboard

Through FireM’s real-time system-status dashboards, facility managers can use modern IoT technology to monitor their fire safety assets, reduce risk and better protect their properties.

This allows independent verification of costs, immediate actions to be taken to remediate non-compliance and mitigates executive risk through the use of measurable fire safety measures.

FireM technology also:

  • Improves testing and maintenance reporting, removing the need for imprecise manual (and often written) reporting;
  • Provides accountability around fire and life safety compliance costs for facility managers and building owners;
  • Indicates comprehensive, independently verifiable mitigation of risk to occupants, asset managers, building owners and their insurers; and
  • Enhances a property’s market appeal, value and yield of assets.

FireM’s easy web-based interface platform allows building administrators to add or remove users and choose the information each user receives.

The simple administrative process of uploading image files ensure mapping updates can be easily made.

FireM Mobile App

FireM is subscription based and includes an easy-to- use mobile application, suitable for both Android and Apple IOS.

FireM is a fire panel in the palm of your hand. All FIP notification are displayed on a mobile device in real-time as they occur at the FIP.

An easy to operate mapping platform is included within the subscription, replacing the need for expensive and complex mapping systems.

The platform allows users to visualise data to reduce on-site response time that can have a direct impact on:

  • Preventing unnecessary and often costly building evacuations
  • Reducing corporate/commercial risk
  • Increasing maintenance efficiency
  • Saving lives
Cloud Based Web Portal

Through FireM’s real-time dashboards and web console, users take advantage of modern IoT technology to monitor their fire safety assets and better protect their properties.

Recurring events are autonomously identified and notified. These enhanced features allow data-driven decision-making, independent cost verification, quick remedial action to be taken, and executive risk mitigation.


  • Improves testing and maintenance reporting, replacing the need for imprecise, manual and often written reporting.
  • Provides accountability around fire and life safety compliance sots for facility managers and building owners.
  • Indicates comprehensive, independently verifiable mitigation of risk to occupants, asset managers, building owners and their insurers.
  • Reduced labour for inspections with the ability to eliminate the need for a technician at the panel.

Reduce Executive Risk

Reduce Executive Risk by the installation of a system that provides greater security around fire safety.

Benefiting Factures

There are multiple benefit facture that can be derived from installing a FireM system into a new or existing building fire alarm system.

Allowing real time data reporting via the FireM App  to a building owner / property manager / service provider.

Enabling the user to see latched fire alarms, detection faults, panel faults, system testing completion dates.

In addition documents such as Fire Alarm Block plans can be stored and viewed in FireM on real time format, allowing time saving facture when assessing to repair faulty fire alarms.

  •  Reduce Executive Risk
  • Improved Accuracy
  • Reduce False Alarms
  • Reduce System Failures
  • Reduce Occupant Disruption
  • Reduce Uncertainty
  • Reduce Community Risk
  • Reduce Detection Time
  • Reduce Complacency
  • Reduce Pre-movement Time
  • Reduce Injury & Death
  • Reduce costs

FireM enables Centralised Compliance Record Keeping, and improved testing and maintenance regimes through the automation of safety data, removing imprecise and manual (often written) reporting.

Industry Applications

Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Public Facilities

FireM provides significant benefits for on-site first responders in hospitals, nursing homes and public facilities. Environments such as health facilities are ‘noise sensitive’ in that silent alarms are sometimes required to avoid creating panic or undue discomfort to occupants.Monitoring staff can use FireM to quickly identify the alarm’s source and verify the threat, improving response time.This system reduces the need to completely rely on:

  • Warden intercom
  • Pagers
  • Radios

FireM makes a number of traditional notification systems within a building redundant.

Apartment Buildings

The risk to human life is significant should a fire take hold in an apartment building.

Regulations may ensure fire safety precautions are integrated into a building’s design, but evacuation procedures for these types of buildings are unregulated – meaning the Facility Manager of one building may have different procedures to another.

Meanwhile, false alarms can provide another complication, particularly if they are regular.

Implementing FireM as part of an emergency response plan means building occupants can be informed of a fire’s severity.

Building managers

Fire M assists building owners and managers with off-site monitoring and reduces the investigative time required during a fire alarm.

The application can be configured to discriminate between various fire panel notification conditions, including:

  • Alarms
  • Pre-alarms
  • Faults
  • Isolates

A record of events is captured locally and off site to allow easy identification of reoccurring or troublesome alarm conditions.


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Needing Assistance with Fire Alarm Solutions In Your Workplace.