Fire & Smoke Detection Systems

Fire Panel Audio Visual Indicator


Fire System Services supplies and services multiple types of fire and smoke detection systems ranging from conventional to addressable fire alarm systems.

Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

Automatic fire detection and alarm systems are designed to warn building occupants of a fire situation; they do not generally intervene in the fire growth process except where interfaced with a fire suppression or other fire control system.

These systems generally use smoke, heat or flame detectors to detect the fire outbreak and alert building occupants and the fire service. Manual call points which allow an occupant who discovers fire to raise the alarm may also be included in the system.

An evacuation warning system may be activated by a fire detection or fighting system or manually by a chief fire warden for other circumstances, such as a bomb threat. Many evacuation warning systems also have an intercommunication system, such as a phone system and a public address system which can be used to pass information to the building occupants and fire wardens, who will orchestrate an orderly evacuation or move occupants to safer parts of the building.

Fire Alarm Systems Brands

Fire System Services has a good working relationship with various Fire Systems Manufactures.

The Company can support and service multiple types and brands of fire alarm and detection systems.

Fire alarm and detection systems brands that Fire System Services supports are Ampac, Brooks, Notifier, and Pertronic.

Smoke Detector Testing
Addressable Fire Alarm Panels
Ampac Addressable Fire Panel
Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
Ampac Conventional Fire Panel
Fire Alarm System EWIS Panel
Ampac EWIS Evac Panel
Addressable thermal detector for fire alarm system
Heat Detector
Addressable smoke detector for fire alarm system
Ionisation Smoke Detector
Flame Detectors for Fire Alarm System
Flame Detector
Fire Alarm System Combination Detector
Multisensor Detector
Addressable Manuel Call Points for fire alarm system
Manual Call Point
Aspirating Smoke Detection System
Aspirating Smoke Detection
Beam Detection for Fire Alarm System
Ampac Beam Detection
fire extinguisher testing
Ceiling Speaker
fire extinguisher testing
Sounder Beacon
Fire Alarm System Bell
Fire Alarm Bell
Fire Alarm System LED Indicator
Remote Indicators
Beacons for fire alarm system
Flameproof Sounder Beacons
Fire Alarm System Magnetic Door Holders
Universal Door Holder
WIP phone on fire panel
Warden Intercom Phone
Fire Panel Audio Visual Indicator


Fire System Services supplies and services multiple types of fire and smoke detection systems ranging from conventional to addressable fire alarm systems.

Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

Automatic fire detection and alarm systems are designed to warn building occupants of a fire situation; they do not generally intervene in the fire growth process except where interfaced with a fire suppression or other fire control system.

These systems generally use smoke, heat or flame detectors to detect the fire outbreak and alert building occupants and the fire service. Manual call points which allow an occupant who discovers fire to raise the alarm may also be included in the system.

An evacuation warning system may be activated by a fire detection or fighting system or manually by a chief fire warden for other circumstances, such as a bomb threat. Many evacuation warning systems also have an intercommunication system, such as a phone system and a public address system which can be used to pass information to the building occupants and fire wardens, who will orchestrate an orderly evacuation or move occupants to safer parts of the building.

Fire Alarm Systems Brands

Fire System Services has a good working relationship with various Fire Systems Manufactures.

The Company can support and service multiple types and brands of fire alarm and detection systems.

Fire alarm and detection systems brands that Fire System Services supports are Ampac, Brooks, Notifier, and Pertronic.

Smoke Detector Testing
Fire Control Panel
Addressable Fire Alarm Panels
Ampac Addressable Fire Panel
Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
Ampac Conventional Fire Panel
Fire Alarm System EWIS Panel
Ampac EWIS Evac Panel
Fire Detection
Addressable thermal detector for fire alarm system
Heat Detector
Addressable smoke detector for fire alarm system
Ionisation Smoke Detector
Flame Detectors for Fire Alarm System
Flame Detector
Fire Alarm System Combination Detector
Multisensor Detector
Addressable Manuel Call Points for fire alarm system
Manual Call Point
Aspirating Smoke Detection System
Aspirating Smoke Detection
Beam Detection for Fire Alarm System
Ampac Beam Detection
Audio Visual
fire extinguisher testing
Ceiling Speaker
fire extinguisher testing
Sounder Beacon
Fire Alarm System Bell
Fire Alarm Bell
Fire Alarm System LED Indicator
Remote Indicators
Beacons for fire alarm system
Flameproof Sounder Beacons
Fire Alarm System Magnetic Door Holders
Universal Door Holder
WIP phone on fire panel
Warden Intercom Phone

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