As accredited service providers, Fire System Services will perform your Fire Hydrant and Hydrant Booster flow testing and maintenance services in Adelaide.
With an impressive track record of over 35 years, Fire System Services is your trusted partner for all your essential safety provisions for all properties.
Our extensive experience ensures that we can effectively assist with your needs.
Fire System Service’s maintenance program involves regularly testing and servicing your fire safety equipment to ensure it functions correctly and complies with the relevant Australian Standards.
As part of Fire System Services’ Fire Hydrant and Hydrant Booster flow testing and maintenance services program, our experienced technicians will:
When you work with us, you can be assured you will receive high-quality service and care from our friendly technicians. They will assist you with all your needs and help you with your Fire Hydrant and Hydrant Booster flow testing and maintenance requirements in Adelaide.
Fire hydrants supply water to the Fire Service if they are fighting a fire on your site.
South Australian regulations typically only require fire hydrants installed in buildings with insufficient coverage from street fire hydrants or where the building area is more significant than 500 square meters.
Once installed, fire hydrants should be regularly maintained. The minimum maintenance requirements, as documented in South Australian legislation and regulations, are:
Fire System Services offers services for all types of Fire Hose Reels, Fire Hydrants, and booster Installations.
Including Unassisted and Assisted flow testing, Fire Hydrant Booster Overhauls, and Fire Hydrant Systems Hydrostatic Pressure Tests.
Your property relies on a connection to the water main, typically located on the street.
It is important to regularly ensure that the street plug is present and has adequate water flow to support firefighting efforts in the event of an emergency.
If you are unsure where the nearest street plugs are, please contact SA Water.
Street plugs must undergo a ‘flow test’ annually.
You can arrange and book a flow test through us, and we will send you the results to provide to the Council along with your Form 3.
Please note that your neighbors may also rely on this street plug, so coordinating testing with them may be beneficial.
A necessary provision in Australian Standard AS1851 Routine Service of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment is to keep records of the service work carried out as evidence that the systems and equipment fit the intended purpose.
Fire System Services utilises an asset management program to assist clients; the company uses Uptick for Asset Management.
The Platform provides real-time reporting, a feature that ensures our customers are always up to date and confident in the efficiency of their Essential Safety Provisions within the building.
Upon completion, test reports will be emailed to the customer. Historical Data, including invoices, can be viewed and downloaded via a Free Access Customer Portal.
The asset management software program has been meticulously designed to meet all versions of AS1851 and other state-based legislative requirements, ensuring our clients feel secure and well-informed.
We deliver automatic compliance reporting, complete asset management, and “NCR” Non-Compliance Reporting, identifying defects and quoting them through the most straightforward workflow possible.
The Company offers various Fire Safety services for building owners and property managers in Adelaide.