Dry Chemical Class D Fire Extinguisher

Amerex Dry Chemical Class D Fire Extinguisher

As accredited service providers, the technicians at Fire System Services are here to assist you with your Fire Extinguishers Sales and services, including Fire Extinguisher Refills in Adelaide.

We sell and service Amerex Dry Chemical Class D Fire Extinguishers for metal fires.

The Amerex “soft flow” extension applicator is particularly suited for fighting Class D fires. It allows the operator to avoid the extreme heat and toxic fumes caused by burning material. The easily controlled, even discharge provides a non-dispersing application of the agent. The extension applicator may be quickly detached to provide a straight stream of chemicals where a more excellent range is required.

MODEL 570 contains a unique blended Sodium Chloride-based dry powder extinguishing agent. The heat from the fire causes it to cake and form a crust excluding air and dissipating heat from burning metal. Metal fires involving magnesium, sodium, potassium, and sodium-potassium alloys, zirconium, uranium, titanium, and powdered aluminum.

MODEL 571 contains a copper extinguishing agent developed by the U.S. Navy for fighting lithium and lithium alloy fires. The copper compound smothers the fire and provides an excellent heat sink for dissipating heat. The copper powder is superior to all other known fire-extinguishing agents for lithium.

These EXTINGUISHERS are pressurised using ARGON. Argon is an inert gas that will not react with combustible metals. Nitrogen pressurising gas could cause a reaction when used on certain flammable metal fires. Air pressurising SHOULD NEVER be used, as even the slightest amount of moisture will cause a violent response will Class D Materials.


For other types of fire extinguishers we sell and service, please visit our Fire Extinguishers & Blankets page.

Class D Fire Extinguisher
For all fire extinguisher sales & services in Adelaide,
Call us today on 1300 883 473!

Fire Extinguisher Services Adelaide 

At Fire System Services, we provide sales & services to an extensive range of standard and specialty fire extinguishers and parts and accessories to cover your fire extinguisher services in Adelaide. Before purchasing one, it would be best to talk with us about what is best for your home or business.

Some of these include:

A:B: E Dry Chemical Powder This is one of the most common choices in Australia for its ability to tackle many different types of fires and its effectiveness compared to its low cost.

Carbon Dioxide Typically used For Class E & F fires, ideal for kitchen fires, small flammable liquid, and electrical fires only as they work by shifting oxygen.

Fire Blanket Typically used for Kitchen Fires involving Human Torch Fires (Clothing), Class F cooking oils, and fat fires. One we recommend having in your household.

Foam – Typically used for Class F fires, including Fuel Fires, Flammable and combustible Liquids.

Vermiculite – Typically used for Class D fires Lithium Batteries. This type of fire extinguisher is ideal for combatting lithium battery fires within factory or office spaces.

Water – Typically used for Class A fires, including Paper, Wood, Materials, and textiles.

Water Mist – Typically used for Class A & E fires. Water Mist is the ultimate extinguisher for Class A fires and where a potential Class E (electrical) hazard exists.

The Water Mist extinguishers contain de-ionized water (sold separately), making them the best for protecting hospital environments, telecommunication facilities, and “clean room” manufacturing facilities.

Wet Chemical – Typically used for Class F fires, including cooking oils and deep fat fryers, ideally found alongside Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers and fire blankets. Essential Safety Equipment for commercial kitchens.

For fire extinguisher sales & services in Adelaide, it is essential to conduct your research to ensure your home or business is covered in case of an emergency.

What are the Different Classes of Fires?

Types of fires are separated into six different classes, and categorising these can help you assess the kind of extinguisher you require for your, click on the link to view our selection chart.

Class A: Fires that involve carbonaceous solids,  This as wood, paper, cloth, and textiles.

Class B: Involves flammable and combustible liquids—petrol, oil, and paint.

Class C: Fires that involve combustible gases such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), butane, propane Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

Class D: Involves combustible metals, including sodium, potassium, magnesium, and aluminum shavings.

Class E: These are electrical fires, such as electrical switchboards and computerised equipment.

Class F: Fires from cooking oils and fats in the kitchen.

Fire Extinguishers Are Required To Be Test & Tagged Every (6) Six months.