Aviation Services

Our Services Included

Asset Procurement

Aviation Fire Bottles

Aviation Oxygen Cylinder Testing

Aircraft Fire Extinguisher Refills

Inflation Cylinders Testing & Refills

Hydrostatic Testing For DOT & Non-DOT Cylinders

As a service provider of Aviation Portable Fire Extinguishers, Emergency Air Bottles, Emergency Floatation Devices Cylinders such as Lift Rafts and Floats, Gas cylinders, and Oxygen Bottles, We Provide Gas Cylinder services in the Asia-Pacific region.

Fire System Services, aka Aviation Fire Systems Australia, provides sustainment in aircraft aviation services involving hydrostatic testing of DOT & non-DOT cylinders and releasing them back to service.

Workshop services can range from testing aircraft fire safety cylinders, oxygen life support cylinders, and inflation cylinders to air start-up cylinders.

We can support various clients, from private operators/customers to the Australian Defence Force.

Aircraft Aviation Services Capabilities

Aviation Inflation Cylinders

Aviation Inflation Cylinders for Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
Aviation Inflation Cylinders

Aviation Fire Systems Australia can hydrostatic retest and refill all types of inflation cylinders from Life Raft cylinders to Aviation & Aerospace cylinders for Slide, Life Rafts, Gear Blowdown, or Emergency door opening.

Aviation UAV Drone Cylinders

UAV Drone with Hydrogen Cylinder
UAV Drone Cylinders

Aviation Fire Systems Australia can hydrostatic retest, refill & Release all types of Hydrogen Cylinders for use with UAVs – Drones.

Aircraft Emergency Air Bottles

Emergency Air Bottles

We internally clean, retest and certify Emergency Air Bottles / Tanks, such as the Emergency Air Bottles out of the Nanchang CJ6 Warbird.

Aircraft Hydraulic Hoses & Tubing

Aircraft Hoses & Tubing

Aircraft Hoses & Tubing

Aviation Fire Systems Australia has the capability of hydro testing and certifying aircraft hydraulic hoses/tubing.

Providing a data log certificate and carrying our a hydrostatic proof test to a desired test pressure such as 4700psi to a specified time period.

Upon passing, This allows us to release to items under a Quality Assured Data Log certificate and a Form 1, that they are safe to use.

Flex Lines | Fixed Stainless Steel Tubing.

Flex Lines | Fixed Stainless Steel Tubing

Aircraft Fire Bottles

Amerax Halotron Aviation Fire ExtinguishersAir
Aircraft Fire Bottles

Aviation Fire Systems Australia can certify and test aircraft fire bottles.

Aviation Oxygen Cylinders

gas bottle testing adelaide
Aviation Oxygen Cylinders

Aviation Fire Systems Australia can hydrostatic test, re-certify & clean various oxygen cylinders. With special washing and drying techniques, we can offer oxygen cylinders tested and cleaned, ready to use with oxygen gas.

Aviation LPG Hot Air Balloon Cylinders

LPG Hot Air Balloon Cylinders for 10 Yearly Testing
Aviation LPG Hot Air Balloon Cylinders

Aviation Fire Systems Australia can hydrostatic retest and certify Hot Air Balloons cylinders.

Aviation NDT Radiography Testing

using X-ray to test aviation components

Aviation NDT Radiography Testing

Aviation Fire System Australia in association with various partners provides services in Non-Destructive Testing with Radiographic Testing (RT).

This is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method that uses either x-rays or gamma rays to examine the internal structure of manufactured components identifying any flaws or defects.

X-RAY and similar solutions for quality critical aviation components such as entire composite helicopter rotor blade.

Advanced NDT & Robotic Solutions in X-ray and Computed Systems designed to ensure your equipment functions safely and correctly each and every time.

  • Real-time product analysis helping you to identify the structural integrity and quality level of internal components.
  • Assisting you to understand if a component has failed by providing high-resolution x-ray imaging from every conceivable angle and view.
  • Live manipulation of your product while x-ray imaging to determine what is occurring under load and operation.
  • Product screening for detection of contamination and/or foreign material FOD.

xray scanning of aviation components

Require Your Aviation Bottles Hydro Tested?