Automotive Gas Cylinder Testing

What Do We Do?

As accredited service providers, the National Hydro Cylinder Testing Services technicians are here to perform your Automotive Gas Cylinder Testing in Adelaide.

We operate and manage an approved gas cylinder test station, number 720.
We are focusing and specialising in all aspects of Automotive Gas Cylinder Tests.

With more than 35 years of experience, we can help you with your needs for LPG and Hydrogen automotive gas cylinder requirements.

When you work with us, you can be assured you will receive high-quality service and care from our friendly technicians, who assist you with all your needs to help you with your Automotive Gas Cylinder Requirements in Adelaide.

LPG Vechicle cylinder with 4 flange

Are all Automotive Gas Cylinders the Same?

Our workshop capabilities allow us to test and refill Automotive Gas Cylinders ranging from low-pressure LPG to high-pressure composite hydrogen gas cylinders.

There are various gas cylinders available for use in automotive vehicles.

Vehicle LPG Cylinders

The gas cylinder test cycle is on a (10) ten-yearly basis.

Ten yearly tests consist of replacing the Safety Pressure Realise Valve & all O Rings and any defective parts.  

LPG gas cylinders for motor vehicles are available in two valve configuration types, 4 Flange and multivalve.

The gas cylinders come in cylindrical or round and are supplied in various gas capacity sizes.

4 Flange

LPG Vechicle cylinder with 4 flange

Four flange valves are built so that each component works separately.

When ten yearly testings are required, only O rings and the Pressure Realise valve are usually changed.


LPG Cylinder with Quad Valve

Multivalves are built so all the components are designed into one valve.

Usually, when ten yearly tests are required, the whole valve assembly must be changed.

How to check if a Motor Vehicle LPG Cylinder is still in date
For all your Automotive Gas Cylinder Testing in Adelaide.
Call us today on 1300 883 473 or
email us
Hydrogen Cylinder for Vechicles
Vehicle Hydrogen Cylinders

The gas cylinder test cycle is on a (05) five-yearly basis.

Hydrogen gas cylinders for motor vehicles are high-pressure gas cylinders. The gas cylinder is a composite type to withstand high-pressure gases.

Hydrogen gas cylinders do have a life span depending on the cylinder manufacture, commonly found in (15) fifteen years (EOL) End of Life or (30) thirty years (EOL) End of Life.

Forklift LPG Cylinders

The LPG gas cylinder test cycle is on a (10) ten-yearly basis.

LPG gas cylinders for Forklifts are available in one type of valve configuration.

Ten yearly tests consist of replacing (F) Safety Pressure Realise Valve & all O Rings and any defective parts.

A. Float Gauge
B. Liquid Fill Valve
C. Vapor withdrawal tube/valve
D. Liquid withdrawal tube/valve
E. Fixed Liquid Level
F. Safety Pressure Relief Valve

LPG Cylinder for Forklifts

Our Services

The Company offers various Automotive Gas Cylinder testing services in Adelaide, South Australia.

  • Composite Gas Cylinder Inspections
  • LPG Cylinder Inspections
  • LPG Gas decanting/removal
  • Gas Cylinder Valve Replacements & Repairs
  • Hydrostatic Pressure Testing

Cliffs Auto Repairs

If you are requiring an LPG mechanic to service the LPG system on your vehicle.

Contact Cliffs Auto Repairs

26a Coburg Road Alberton SA 5014
t: 8341 1611

Automotive Gas Cylinders Out Of Date & Need A Test?